La huella en la niebla |
Emiliano Grieco |
Emiliano Grieco |
Daniel Werner |
Damián Enriquez, Emme y Germán De Silva |
Elías mata y escapa herido. Perdido entre la niebla regresa a su isla. La inundación se llevó todo y su casa yace solitaria.
Su padre le da refugio. Diferentes vecinos le dicen donde encontrar a Lara. Pero al reencontrarse conoce a su nueva familia. Elías insiste en volver, deja el alcohol, construye un nuevo rancho, consigue trabajo en un barco. Los cambios de Elías son inútiles para reconquistar a Lara, el agua no lava su sangre y la muerte lo acompaña.
La herida se abre por completo, la naturaleza del lugar parece tragarlo, el maldito Elías rema por un turbio río, hasta un estuario tranquilo, dominado por la paz, donde el tiempo parece detenerse a pesar de su constante movimiento.
Elías kills and escapes wounded. Lost in the fog, he returns to his island. The flood took everything and his home lies empty.
His father gives him shelter but distrusts him. Different neighbors tell him where to find Lara and his son. But when reunited, he knows his new family. Elías insists on returning, leaving the alcohol, sets up a new Ranch and finds a job on a boat. These changes are not enough to get Lara back, the water does not wash away his blood and death goes along with him.
The wound is opened completely, the nature of the place seems to swallow him more and more, the cursed Elías rows on a murky river, to a quiet estuary, dominated by peace where time seems to stand still despite its constant movement.